Five Corners and a Runner

Event Date

Mar 26, 2020


Six men made it out ahead of the Stay Home Order that went into effect at 8:00 AM across Mecklenburg County.  It was odd when I received the text alert at 7:59 AM that the Stay Home order was about to go into effect.  I do not know about you, but at times, it feels like we are in a sci-fi movie.  Anyway, let's get down to business…

After the usual disclaimers, as well as the COVID-19 keep your distance disclaimer, we started our warm up.

  • Side Straddle Hope – 25x IC
  • Toy Soldier – 10x IC
  • Cotton Pickers – 10x IC
  • Merkins – 15x IC
  • Mountain Climbers – 20x IC 
  • Peter Parker – 15x IC

Ran to the neighborhood boat ramp, where Q had written down some stations across the corners of the parking lot.  While one person ran down the boat ramp and back, the other men did one of these stations.  We would then rotate.  We did two full circuits.

  • Dips
  • Squats
  • Merkins
  • Plank Jacks
  • LBC

We ran back to base for Mary.

  • Never Cross Dolly – 15x IC
  • Low Flutter – 15x IC
  • WW2 – 10x (Surf)
  • Crunchy Frog – 15x IC (Pinky)
  • Ankle Taps – 15x IC (Natty)
  • Some cross between LBC and Gas Pump Grip came up with – 15x IC (Grip)
  • Freddy Mercury – 20x IC (Germanator)



  • We kept our distance at all times.  This was probably the most spread out we have been at a workout
  • We received some free medical advice from Pinky.  If you are using cinder blocks and whipe snot on it, the virus could live on that surface.  Therefore, do not share cinder blocks or bring spray disinfectant.
  • Twister had said he would join us, but must have run into a roadblock from his house to the AO
  • 911 came by on his bike, getting some miles in
  • Strong runs by Grip and Germanator
  • Thank you Surf for taking us out
  • It was a pleasure leading the workout, the last before the Stay Home Order.  I guess we will be live streaming from now on.