Five for a cold and wet Super 21

Event Date

Mar 12, 2018

Given the rain over the last 24 hours, YHC opted for an all-parking lot workout. @auto led the 0500 standard while @roadie enjoyed scones and a latte with his extra 30 minutes.

No FNGs. In fact, today’s weather (or the Q) led to a low turnout. Nevertheless, we worked out.


  • Roadie-paced mosey around the parking lot twice.
    • Some carioca, some high knees.
  • Side-Straddle-Hop x20
  • Windmill x10
  • Side-Straddle-Hop x20
  • Imperial-Storm-Troopers x10
  • Side-Straddle-Hop x20
  • Roadie-paced mosey around the parking lot once.

The Thang – “Super 21”
This is a ladder, going from 1-21 in 7 sets of 3, but with increasing reps as we ladder up. Explanation – set 1 we do 1 ‘merkin, 1 sit-up, then 2 ‘merkins, then 2 sit-ups, then 3 ‘merkins, then 3 sit-ups. Recover for a few seconds, then do a “break” exercise. Each break exercise was also to be 3 sets of 21 reps, i.e., finish the 1-3 of the Super 21, then do 3@21 Copperhead Squats, return to the Super 21 for 4-6, then do 3@21 Mountain Climbers. It’s all in the table below.

About mid-way through though, checking the clock and also the smoking-in-progress, we backed down to single counts for the “break” exercises during sets 4-7 because well, this was tough.

Set Reps per Set S Merkins S Sit-Ups Recovery Exercise* Target Reps
1 6 6 6 Copperhead Squats Legs 62
2 15 21 21 Mountain Climbers Legs 63
3 24 45 45 Imperial Storm Troopers Legs 63
4 33 78 78 Monkey Humpers Legs 63
5 42 120 120 Hillbillies Legs 63
6 51 171 171 Crab Cakes Shoulders 63
7 60 231 231 Recover-Recover    

*mouse-over for a description

Reps accomplished:

  • Abs – 231
  • Shoulders – 294
  • Legs – 314

231 sit-ups, remember?


  • Amazing work from everybody today in the cold rain.
  • If you’re looking at backblasts and are curious about running the “Super 21” for your upcoming Q  – keep moving. Nothing to see here.
  • No age stats for nerds today. Didn’t record the COT.
  • YHC fumbled the counts and cadence multiple times. The PAX went easy on me.