Five For Fighting (the Fartsack)

Event Date

Apr 30, 2020

Also not listed, Purell… because of the 'rona.  Great name! 


It was touch and go with lighting and thunder through the night, but 5 came out to a drizzly Wilderness to start the day of right. 


Here is how it went down. 


Circle up around the Whoville tree


Disclaimer – Forgot it, Q fail!  



All IC

10x Wind Mills

10x Cotton Pickers

10x IST 

10x Toy Soldier

10x SSH 


The Thang


Mosey to Queen's Corner for 10x Rocky Balboas

Continue the discussion of how Queen's Corner got it's name… still a mystery.  


Mosey To Rock Pile (.25 mile)


Pick a non traveling rock


10x low curl

10x overhead press

10x hi curl

10x skull crusher

10x full curl

10x Bent Over Rows



Mosey around the pain clock




After your second set and lap around the Pain Clock…


The COLT 45 – 15x lo, 15x hi, 15x Full Curls without putting the rack down – It Burns!


Put Rock Back


Lunge Walk halfway to Queen's Corner then


Mosey to Queen's Corner


Can't let Purell come to The Wilderness and Queen's Corner without… 15x Freddie Mercury's – Just when the Pax thought we would stay fairly dry. 


Mosey back to Whoville tree



Arm Circles for a cool down

10x IC of each except Suzanne Summers

WW2, low flutturs, touch them heels, 15x Suzanne Summers each leg

and finished up with arm stretches, forward fold, reverse swand dive up on your toes….


Recover Recover


Good times today even in the wet.  Stayed "mostly dry" but this is the gloom: cold, dark, and wet.  Good mumble chatter by all today.


Croc's can now rund 90 mph when heading into work without getting pulled over. 


Purell has lobster dogs delivered to his neighborhood.  Nice!


The Force is hoping to get paid $100,000 per week due to COVID hazard pay and overtime like some have "accidentally" received.  It's a glitch. 


Rocket did a 0515 standard and confirmed no one showed at the usual 0510 posting.  Twitter and texts worked.  


Feel free to do this workout as a Virtual and post up for credit!


TG sends, 
