Five Guys

Event Date

Jul 13, 2022

Five studs show up to put some work in this am, thus the title…Five Guys



SSH, Windmills, IST,  Cherry pickers, Arm Circles


The Thang:

20 reps of the following exercises for each round


  • 1,1,2  Curl / 2 way bent row /  1,1,2 Hammer Curl
  • Squat Press / Arnold / Clean Press
  • Wide Handed, Close handed bent rows / Bent fly / Tri kicks
  • Alt Arm to toe / Overhead Pull Crunch / Mason
  • Bridge Bench / Bridge Fly knee to chest / Boat press



  • Everyone worked hard this am, great effort by all!
  • Conqueror was a little quiet this am, but put some solid effort in.
  • Q got writer's cramp from all of the chalk work this am
  • Schwinn had a night with the swim team, Overlook seems to be holding their own!
  • Canceling debt seems to be a new trend, somebody's paying for it, too bad it wasn't a thing with all of the student loans I had, LOL. 
  • Slow Roll appeared at the end of the workout, claiming to be doing one of his "off the book workouts".  
  • It was an honor men!