Five Love Languages

Event Date

Sep 01, 2018

Warmorama: HighKnees, ButtKicks, Karaoke, Windmills, Cherry pickers

Follow the Leader: Obstacle course serpentine run through signs, benches, parking lot

Four-Corner Face Off: Run through 4 corners of 20 Dips, 10 Burpees, 20 WWII, 20 Mericans, Face off: Roshambo in the middle, winner = continuous squats, loser back to circle the corners.  One winner at a time.

Follow the Leader: more serpentine with bear crawl through sand volleyball court.



  • The "Five Love Languages" is a relationship theory proposed by Gary Chapman in a 1995 best selling book.  To know a spouse's "Love Language" is to know what communicates best to them.  The action is magnified as it understood and received better.   The theory goes beyond romantic relationships in ways to show appreciation to co-workers or friends.  Do note the taboo of the last in the workplace.  The Five Love Languages are:
  1. Words of Affirmation
  2. Quality Time
  3. Receiving Gifts
  4. Acts of Service
  5. Physical Touch
  • We found our last love language to be Burpees and Mericans.
  • PSA: Seriously, though, if you are not working your relationships positively, its more than likely going the other way.
  • The Chevrolet Suburban is the choice vehicle of bootleggers.
  • Great day of challenges and fellowship.  Always an honor to lead fine men!