Five Minutes

The day was cold and so was the mood.  The Race City parties were over.   Honeymoon said his goodbyes.  Machoman ended up at Bojangles while the Monster Mile the day before marked a momentous separation of one of the Pax from its ranks.  Race City Pax were downtrodden; exhausted; melancholy.  Fartsacks provided warm cocoons of safety like the swaddling clothes of a well-fed baby, belly swolen with with mother's milk, suckling its pacifier in a deep slumber.  Some broke free – some answered the call… a tweet, sent out like the bat signal summoning heroes from their lairs to converge on the town square to confront an approaching enemy.  That enemy – lethargy, inaction, atrophy – is a plague on our society and these heroes recognize that.  The calling is strong, and their resolve is stronger.  Equilibrium returns to Mooresville.


Mosey around the fountain twice to give Motorboat time to park his vehicle and collect himself.  Arrive at the circle of power for a group of exercises performed in cadence:

  • SSH X25
  • Mountain Climber X15
  • Plank-o-rama
  • Merkins X10
  • Kettle Bell Twist X10 each arm
  • Goblet Squat X20


Set timer to 5 minutes.  Q calls out an exercise, PAX performs AMRAP of that exercise in 5 minutes.

  • KB Swing, then recover with 15 Windmills after timer sounds
  • Around the World, then recover with 20 SSH
  • KB Deadlift, then recover with a lap around the fountain
  • Over the Head (combo shoulder press and skull crusher), recover with a lap.


  • Bell Assisted Low Flutter X25 IC
  • LBC X30 IC
  • Heels to Heaven (courtesy of Dewey) X15 IC
  • Peter Parker (courtesy of Contra) X15 IC
  • WWII Situps (courtesy of Deep End) X10 IC


Naked Moleskin

We had one rucker today. He was stalked by two men in a fire sprinkler installation truck who lurked through the area, encircling him many times.  No worries.  The fight club arrived in due time. 

The Pax admired Cupcake's new toy.  It still had the tag on it, just like Minnie Pearl's hat.  I think he's a Hee Haw fan.  The shiny new kettle bell did take one tumble to the bricks during the 5 minutes of Around the World, so it is sufficiently broken in.

Dewey exhibits perfect form in all exercises.  The rest of the pax will be injured in due time.  Best of luck.

Strutter wasn't his normal self today.  It disturbed the natural order of things and YHC was off kilter for 2/3 of the workout – I'm not gonna lie.

Coffee and 2nd F is always great with Chief.  Everybody should experience it on a Tuesday.

I'm privileged to have served as MQ for the last year plus at The Rock.  Thanks to Motorboat who is taking the lead for 2017 and will break new ground with his leadership.