Five Showed Might Before Morning’s Light

Event Date

Apr 17, 2019

5 Mighty Men and 1 Mighty Mutt showed their Might at The Mighty Oak. Bunyan got there first and was worried he was going to be doing a solo workout but YHC and Roadie showed up at about the same time to his relief. BoarHog and Mona Lisa came in on two wheels and it was a good thing for Hurley since he couldn't hold it in any longer. Quick mosey around the parking lot to the atlas balls and then:


  • IST x 15 IC
  • Toy soldier x 15 IC
  • Carrot Puller x 10 IC
  • Frontward fold
  • Downward dog
  • Mountain climber x 10 IC

The Thang

Partner up (with 5 Pax, we made it a 2:3 split)

Round 1

  • P1 – bear crawl from first atlas ball to the atlas ball next to the flagpost and back
  • P2 – Squats until P1 returns then flapjack
  • P1 – Repeato bear crawl
  • P2 – Carolina Dry Docks until P1 returns then flapjack 

Round 2

  • P1 – Lunge walk the same distance as before
  • P2 – SSH until P1 returns then flapjack
  • P1 –  Lunge walk to the atlas ball at the very end
  • P2 – Incline Merkins until P1 gets to the end then flapjack

Round 3

  • P1 – Run to the end of parking lot and back
  • P2 – Burpees until P1 returns then flapjack 

Headed to the planters for some Dips x15 IC


Mosey to cinder blocks

  • Full Curl x 10 IC
  • Skull Crusher x 10 IC
  • Low Curl x 10 IC
  • OH Press x10 IC
  • High Curl x 10 IC
  • Bent Over Row x 10 IC



Run to 2nd basketball goal

  • Frog jump back to LINE

Run to 3rd basketball goal

  • Quadraphilia back to LINE

Run to 4th basketball goal and plank

  • Plank jacks x 10 IC

Bear crawl to 3rd basketball goal

  • Merkins x10 IC

Lunge walk to 2nd basketball goal

  • Mountain climbers x 10 IC


Back to cinder blocks for BICEP BEATDOWN

50 Full curls OYO, then return the blocks


Mosey back to Launch for some Mary

  • Jane Fonda x 15 IC each leg
  • LBC x 20 IC
  • The “O” x 10 on my count (each leg)
  • Pickle Pounder x 15 IC





Mona Lisa politely expressed his displeasure at Q's choice of doing burpees. I care about your fitness!

Can't remember who mentioned this at the General last week, but we should definitely start calling BoarHog's dog BoarDog. (Why aren't dogs given F3 nicknames?!)

This was actually my first ever post at this AO (but I have familiarity from posting at The Vanquisher). YHC is trying to diversify the AOs he posts at and I'm glad I got the opportunity to not only post at The Mighty Oak, but Q it as well.


Thank you Roadie for the opportunity to lead! Great job guys!