FKT taint that bad

YHC is already behind at work for the day so I'll make this quick and by quick I mean totally copying/pasting from another Vern #bb.

17 Men took on the Vern at FKT and are better for it, the story unfolded: 

4:50am – Jobe shows for an early standard just so he can be on time for the core standard. 

5:00am – first 2 men showed for the standard

5:10am – next 2 men took on the standard even though they clearly saw the core standard was about to get started and ran away anyways

5:12am – Cherry Bomb, Jobe, and YHC started the core standard later to be joined by another 4 PAX, so 7 men total knocked out a grueling core standard and still managed to take on the Vern somehow. True warriors all.

5:30am – go time for the Vern

The Thang: run 1 mile, do 10 pullups, 20 dips, 25 merkins, 30 LBCs all with lap running inbetween exercises until you complete 5 rounds then run the mile back


  • Jobe takes the FKT* this morning, but really we were all winners today just for showing up and taking on the Vern. (* I was told an asterisk was needed since can you really claim the FKT if you only do 5 rounds?)
  • Swing State showed up late and then quietly shamed most of us by lapping half the group. Strong.
  • Few Vern first timers this morning – Estwing, Drebin, Perrier (maybe someone else – sorry if I missed you), all gave a great push and they'll definitely be back.
  • You learn a lot by picking up the 6 on the way back, and by a lot I mean things that should never be discussed in public. Popcorn pulled a pro-move and motivated the back of the pack with talk of taints and abolishing the ABC in NC – thanks to that little distraction and we made it back with 5 seconds to spare according to the official Q clock.
  • Thanks to AM-PM for taking us out in prayer.
  • And thanks to DonHo for the Q invite and for allowing me to lead this morning.