Flat Rat and more

Event Date

Jun 17, 2023


6 pax left together (thanks Tantrum for waiting on me) and intended on a Flat Rat (10k out and back through Rural Hill without the thrill of Beatties Ford traffic).

Turns out that Jedi and TBC were planning for 10 miles, so we said our goodbyes at the gravel road; at least 9 Lives and I did; Jaws and Tantrum were debating cost models or something about a quarter mile ahead.

Everyone re-gathered and I dragged on the pace as usual but all agreed that the sun coming up over the meadows and generally the route was what makes one feel alive. We saw several other pax along the way on running and rucking outings; the River Rats, the Ruckers, and whatever BEP and T-Bone were doing.

coffeeteria followed for those who didn’t want to double down or were stood up by their own flesh and blood. When coffee lasts longer than the actual run or whatever and no one minds, we are doing it right.

humbly submitted for 17 June 2023,


