Flattening the pyramid

Event Date

Apr 08, 2020

4 men showed up to flatten the pyramid at Hollywood this morning

SSH, Toy Soldier, Cotton Pickers, Windmills, Mericans all IC

Deep Dish:

Mosey to rock pile, grab rock and head to parking lot

Curls, Shoulder press, Skull Crushers, Chest press
Run down to corner and back.  Repeato

Hasselhoff:  Mosey to theatre

Bear crawl to next parking space, 1 Merican.  Repeato up to 5

Plank walk w/ Merican to end of parking spot and back.
Line jump side to side x 20 IC
Lap around lot

Side walk w/Squats to end of parking spot and back
Line jump front to back x 20 IC
Lap around lot


People's chair + Air press
Run to end of lot, 10 Incline Mericans
Run back, 20 Rocky Balboas

Mosey to launch for Mary

Little Professor – Crunchy Frog, Dying Cockroach, LBCs, Rosalita, WWII situps, Mericans, and Mountain Climbers

Recover, recover

Prayers for Soprano and family.

Deep Dish