Flippin’ Tires and Liftin’ Bells to Rockin’ Christmas Tunes at The Blender

Event Date

Dec 07, 2021

Soon to be on the website and Twitter is newly named HardSpoon!  Welcome, brother!

Was a tad bit chilly in the gloom this morning, but 5 pax showed to find out what might be in store at The Blender today.  YHC promised in the PB there would be no burpees or pull-ups, which was kinda/sorta/mostly true.


YHC parked on the other side of the parking lot from where the 4 pax had gathered (YHC was "just on time" after hitting snooze then checking the weather).  Pax yelled over at me, so YHC ran.  The other direction!  Pax followed, we moseyed around in no real direction, ending by their kettle bells.  Some SSHs, ISTs, Windmills, Long Snappers (TN style), then they grabbed their bells and followed me to mine.  There the Christmas music was turned on, then 5 "Kettle Bell Burpees" to get us loosened up took place.  

The Thang:

Carry the bells zamparini-like across and down the parking lot.  We did some skull crushers to warm the arms along the way too.  Then YHCs pants were being pulled down by the speaker in my pocket, so had to carry that in 1 hand, bell in the other.

Now were's down under the streetlight, which just happens to be beside the structure hiding the tractor tires behind it.  Ah, perfect.  YHC used the iphone flashlight to "help" the pax select 2 sizable tires to play games with.  Rolled them out to the street, laid them down side by side.  Broke into teams of 2 and a pax would flip the tire up to their partner in a race with the other team, then switch and partner 2 would flip it back down to the start.  Think Flo won every race…  Since the game only included 4 players, pax #5 was off to the side doing KB curls.  Every time a tire reached the starting line, pax would shift and a different pax would get the "rest" by doing curls.  All pax had numerous turns flipping the tires and as we all got stronger, we all got faster at it as well (not sure that part is true).

When that shenanigans was over, we did the Colt 45 with low, high and full curls x15 in cadence.  Then YHC lined the tires up, spread about 2' apart, then lined the pax up beside them.  Next exercise needs a name but we side-step and shuffled in and out of the tires, step back, shuffle to the start, then side-step more.  We went through the tires right foot first about 5 times, then recover, 10 count, then turned around to go left foot first.  The pax stated this was more challenging at first, then got easier as we gained some coordination, then YHC caught a heel and 1 shoe flew off.  Halt for a moment, put the shoe back on, carry on.  Shew – that was harder than it looked! (TWSS)

Next up with the tires – the Rocky Balboa.  These tires were easily 3x the height of an average curb, so this was excellent work!

Enough with the tires – put them away.

Then some skull crushers x21 in cadence (YHC was waiting for every pax to quit/pause, and Flo was the last after 20).

Then some chest-presses and we stopped at 21 IC as YHC knew Flo wouldn't stop until YHC did this time.

We might have done some shoulder presses?  Maybe YHC just thought about that, though…

Then we did lawn mower pulls x10 IC each arm.

Time to move.  Mosey back up the hill of the parking lot.  Stop once for one more round of lawn mowers for good measure.

Mosey to YHC's vehicle after giving fair warning and offering great anticipation to our FNG who had not yet seen YHC's big, long, thick, black…. rope.  By the time we arrived, he couldn't wait for YHC to whip it out.

MWAR and we went around the circle 1.5 times before the clock struck 0615.  One last exercise for fun for our FNG:  Superman, where the pax all (all but FNG) sang the theme song to Greatest American Hero.  Cuz that's how it's done.

The Moleskine:

We may have started at 0531…  Snooze got me.

Flo can flip a tire flo sho.

FNG is now "HardSpoon".  T-claps to Tommy Boy for bringing him out and driving the naming process.  HardSpoon's first post was Cauldron last Friday.  There's gotta be no better way to start F3 than Cauldron with Flo and The Blender with The Force.  *bicep*

Great group of 5 this morning.  Everyone put in work, complained a little, laughed a little more and ultimately sweated through our layers.

The Force is OUT.
