Flippin’ tires at the Junfgle

9 Pax hit it hard on this fine January morning.   

It all started out with the normal warm o' rama fair.  Then on to the tire flippin.  It started out full of water and ended up much lighter when it reached its destination… yeah right.   

From there we did an escalating routine that kept repeating and adding excercise as we went.  Logged over a mile of running and the following: 

35 Burpees  5×7

120 Merkins 10 in cadence x 6

100 WWII situps 20 x 5

20 Pullups 5 x 4

30 8 count burners with blocks – 10 x 3

200 Seall claps with bricks – 100 x 2

10 Jump Squats 10 x1 

Al this with Bearcrawls, sprints, crabwalks, duck walk, lunges sprinkled in

Enjoyed the mumble chatter as there was alot of it and alot of old farts too.  The war baby was 46 years old!

