Flybys Galore

Event Date

Jan 11, 2019

4x of LKN's finest came out to The Cauldron on this frosty January morning and got stronger. 

The Force launched a solo standard, though we will just have to take his word for it. 

The Ultraman Clown Car showed 8 minutes early, and debated staying in the car with the nice heated seats or braving the cold early?  Let's just say a decision was made and UM and DH had time to make a lap around the school while YHC warmed up and read over his winkie while basking in the glow of the Force's headlights.  What are those lights on the rearview mirrors for?  And why is only the passenger side on?  

Warm A Rama

Today, almost everything was 10 count except for the Suzanne Summers. 

Got warmed up with SSHs, Windmills, Cotton Pickers, Mtn Climbers, arm circles, and assorted stretches… now run a lap around the parking lot!

The Thang



Low Curls


Goblet Squats

High Curls

Merkins with 1x hand on the bell.  Switch

Full Curls

Overhead Press

Reverse Lunge

Skull Crusher

Around the World

Figure 8

Suitcase Lift

Lawn Mower

On 6- over the head lift, like a skull crusher only laying horizontal

Mason twist

Run a lap 


Added chest press to the end, just because



Low Flutter

Touch Them Heels

Suzanne Summers, 25x each side

Dying Cockroach


Frosty Mole Skin


If you are in the market for running shoes, The Force reports that he has the coldest toes in history.  Even 5 minutes in the Force Mobile with the heat on high blast couldn't thaw them out.  


Tons of FLYBYs all morning.  Little Finger was in the lead, with Rocket bringing up the Six after an… um… emergency #2 somewhere on the route.  We'll just say watch your step in the gloom in the am.  


Great crowd at Coffeteria afterward.  YHC's first Friday Coffeteria and it was another addition to a great way to start a Friday.  


Thanks to Ultraman for allowing me the chance to lead.  Iron sharpens iron. 


Topgun sends.  Aye