FNG “Friendly” Inaugural Hangover AO a Success

Event Date

Jun 15, 2018

Kotters – Coco and Croc

Welcome FNG Erik Williams

Rooter solid work on the double down with a 5:30 Qbert light work out and then a real workout at 6:30.  Props to you.


Warmarama after full parking lot lap


The thang:

Burpee suicides

1 burpee
Run first island and do 1 burpee
Return do 2 burpees
Run to 2nd island and do burpees

Continue to 6th island increasing by 1 each island 

Mosey a short lap

Grab a block and get to far end of Parking lot by bars. 

20 curls
20 presses

20 dips
Bear Crawl to pull up bars 
5-10 pull ups
Sprint a shot lap 

**we changed the way in which we got to the bars…broad jump burpees, bunnyhops


6 Merkins 

bear crawl short way to block

6 incline merkins

bear crawl over block

6 decline merkins

bear crawl a few steps

6 merkins

20 curls
20 presses

20 dips
Bear Crawl to pull up bars 
5-10 pull ups
Sprint a short lap 

1 merkin on a parking spot

crawl to next line

2 merkins

crawl to nexxt line

3 merkins

up to 7 


20 curls
20 presses

20 dips
Bear Crawl to pull up bars 
5-10 pull ups
Sprint a shot lap 
Bear crawl back 

Run a 1/2 lap

Mary with Suicides after each exercise increasing an island each time.

  • Low flutter with block press
  • Mason twist
  • more flutter with block press
  • crunches with legs straight at 6 inches (jethro taught us that this week and it's not fun)


  • Thanks all for coming out, FNG Erik and 2 Kotters
  • Zuul, Swing State, Kosar and Hasselhoff, thanks for coming out and supporting the new AO and making sure it wasn't just me and one FNG!
  • Zuul at one point said, "I thought this was supposed to be FNG Friendly"….i guess maybe it wasn't quite Friendly but the sweat was worth it
  • Mad respect to Zuul at 60 "RESPECT RESPECT"
  • You all push me every week, thanks for all F3 does for so many people!

See you next week at The Hangover.
