Fog and Fog Horns

Event Date

Feb 01, 2023

The fog was so thick that we had to rely on Travolta’s “Fog Horn” to avoid collisions!

Warm Up

CH squats, Monkey Humpers, Wind Mill, Tie Fighter, Cotton Picker.  What no SSH! Mosey to CB pile and back to gym.

Main Event

IC 20x slow 1/2  curls to level,  slow 1/2 curls level to up, squat press, skull crushers, twist press, upright rows.  OYO swings.
on six; sit ups, over head extend, chest press, CB merkins, 30 sec each side plank hand on CBs and leg extended.  Return cb to block pile.  Lap around parking lot with 11 or so exercise stops x 6 reps; steps at each table, burpees, CH squats, lunges, merkins.  Navigate between stops via mosey,quad, karaoke, sprint.  No Bear Crawls! 


Lbc, Pretzel crunch, low flutter, side leg raises and done!

Reflection: Psalms 40:1-2.

Prays for Travolta subcontractor’s family dealing with cancer.  Pleasure to lead!