Follow the light

***Not on the website:   Face Palm (Tantrum's 2.0)  so Black Eye Pea was added in his stead as a well placed jab *tongue*

There comes a time in a man’s life when he just needs to run in circles to varying degrees.  He doesn’t know why.  There is just a desire to do it.  He satisfies that itch by Q-ing #LudicrousSpeed.   Most often he isn’t alone.  9 Pax joined and things unfolded.

0511 BEP texts YHC with some cockamamy excuse about tight achilles and inability to post this morning.  **see final moleskin bullet

0525 YHC arrives at the AO.  Swanson’s was already loitering.  YHC wanted to join him, but Rock-The-Bells station on SiriusXM was too good to vacate at the moment.  

0527 Rakim finishes and WuTang Clan comes on.  YHC gives serious consideration to clipboarding the workout from the truck.  Decides he will just drive the truck like a pace car around the track.  Unfortunately, Parks & Rec has put a new yellow pole in the middle of the sidewalk to the track preventing that.

0529:58 Snake Eyes hops out of the car, says “Good Morning Gentlemen”, and we hit the track.

  • 1200 meter warm up
  • Warmorama:  SSH x15ic, IST x15ic, Windmill x10ic
  • 800 meter
  • Merkins x10ic
  • 800 meter
  • CCD x10ic
  • 400 meter
  • Ten count
  • 400 meter
  • Ten count
  • 200 meter chase race
  • Ten count
  • 200 meter
  • 600 meter cool down
  • COT

Method-tikal moleskine:

  • In total about 3.15 miles at good paces.  The pax earned their coffee for sure
  • Swanson asked if we needed a headlamp for the track.  YHC advised “no”.  Jenny ended up providing all the light we needed.  In the first 800 meters he took off his shirt, sprinted ahead of the pax and hollered “follow the light” (the glare from his pasty glowing ginger soul)
  • Face Palm is years ahead in his F3 maturity than his age belies.  He learned the art of cutting across the field (Swanson taught him that one when Tantrum wasn’t looking) and also how to start early when a race is on the line as he stepped up to the challenge to win the 200 sprint so the pax could quit for coffee.  In classic form he threw out a question to stupefy us old guys and took off immediately and got a 30 meter edge before we knew what was going on.  Fortunately for the pax we had a Vandelay in our back pocket to unleash on him.  I'm seeing future Incog potential here with Face Palm.
  • Speaking of Vandelay.  Strong work out there.  Dude ran lane 5 the entire time and still (easily) led the pace.
  • Snake Eyes did Snake Eyes things……first half hanging in the back and talking shop with the pax.  Second half leads the pax and doesn’t even break a sweat.
  • Hasselhoff had to endure another round of semi-retirement questioning.  It won’t stop……because we are jealous.
  • (to be read in an Eminem nasaly rap twang)…… Guess who’s back, back, back……Burner’s back, back, back.  And he’s still a bad mutha (shut your mouth).   #tclaps to Calypso for EH’ing the #Kotter
  • Most importantly, Black Eye Pea kept the 9+ year streak alive of boycotting YHC Qs.  Overheard yesterday at Fallout:
    • BEP:  Stray, you got the Q at Ludicrous tomorrow right?
    • Stray:  yep
    • BEP:  cool.  That gives me some options
    • Insert thinking face emoji
    • Replace that with devious devil face emoji