Follow the Pickle

Event Date

Jan 30, 2019

Shovel (Mustang) Flag is posted


Let's go!

FNG-1 is Mario…if you're not sure of who that is yet read Monday's Murph workout.


SSH (IC) x 25

Arm Circle Smokehouse—lil forward (IC) x 10, keep em up, lil back (IC) x 10, keep em up, OH clap (IC) x 10, keep em up, big forward (IC) x 5, keep em up, big back (IC) x 5, Seal clap (IC) x 10, keep em up, Raise the roof (IC) x 6

Through the tunnel/Cotton pickers (IC) x 10

Toy Soldiers (IC) x 10

Burpee Ring of Fire—PAX start quick feet football drill then around the circle a PAX calls "down" and all perform 1 Burpee, then back to quick feet…repeato until all have called down

Parking lot shuffle—PAX line up at a parking mosey forward to the end of the line, karaoke left to next line, then quadraphelia left to next line…rinse and repeat. We travel about 10 parking spots, then flapjacked back to start.


Mosey to pull up bar and 2 PAX do MAX pull ups…someone said "what if you can only do one?" To which Mully replied "Then do 2!" #ISI

Those waiting did lunges

Mosey to block pile. Clark asked for 2 but little did he know that was coming.

Zamparini with block above head around lower practice field, then up to the great wall

From here the PAX were instructed on the Thang.

We would perform one exercise at said location based on one of the PAX's age. Then partner up. The next location would be disclosed. P1 runs to the next location and back to P2. P2 would be farmer carrying both blocks towards the destination. Once P1 got back to P2 you flapjack.

Back at the wall we did 60 Block wall sit in honor of brother Marker.

Up to the dock where an American flag was spotted so we did 45 American Hammers in honor of our newest brother Mario.

Around the building to the low brick wall made famous by the ever so fun Raccon crawl where we did 43 Block squats in honor of newly returned to us Scope.

And from here YHC didn't even have to point out where we were going as somehow Mater already knew. Up to the bright signage at the road, for you guessed it, block Pickle ponuders or the newly coind Cock Blockers. 41 were performed in honor of brother Mater—Brother Ziploc was missed here as he has the from all figured out on this one.

Down to the benches for 41 Russian dips with blocks in your lap courtesy of YHC's trips around the sun.

Over to the front of the gym for 39 Raised block flutter kicks in honor of brother Clark.

Back to return the blocks then to the launchpad. Yes we missed time on Mulligan and Spork, but just enough time to cover the "you dropped your block" penalty that occured TWICE by the same PAX. 6 burpees OYO.


Included above


A simple quote YHC stumbled across.

"Tough times will end, but tough people will remain."

All of us fight something here and there. Stay resilient and know that someone in this group is willing to be there for you. It is tough to ask for help, YHC is just as guilty, but know that when/if you do we're there for you.



Pray out


-So good to see brother Scope back at it. He brings such a good, and quick witted energy to the group we've surely missed from him. HE even took the shovel flag so come see him at SchoolBellz Friday!

-Brother Mario shows up for his sophmore posts and is all smiles.

-YHC noticed his hybrid pickle/cactus onesie from the LKN Basin run last minute and says why not. (It's sooo warm). Plus nothing like seeing some smiles when you look a bit goofy.

-Others kept warm in unconventional ways and even shared with the group (unwillingly or not)

-Mater shared some stories of his visit to Mooresville yesterday but did confirmed that Denver still has the best kettlebell workout in the region.

-Marker HC'd for his VQ…it will be a while but "Mark" it on your calender, just not with a Sharpie. April 1st

-Speking of February is wide open so be sure to grab a Q spot (yes you Sonar and you Diesel). YHC would advise strongly though, after this week, NOT to do the Murph, then Q two straight days.

-Always a pleasure to lead and be led by this group.
