For Hudson

Cherry Bomb and Cousin Eddie ran the Standard

Yesterday, while scrolling through Twitter, I came across an F3 Nation retweet from F3 NW Arkansas.  One of their Pax, Nomad, had a 5 month old son, Hudson, who passed away in his sleep on October 3rd.  F3 NW Arkansas created a tribute workout in Hudson's honor and it was the least we could do to help lift him up.


Quick Warm-up since we had no idea how long this might take

  • SSH x 20IC
  • IST x 10IC
  • Carrot Pullers x 10IC

The Thang:

  • H – 8 Hand Release Burpees
  • U – 21 Upright Rows
  • D – 4 Dan Taylors up and back down (aka Lt. Dans)
  • S – 19 Spiderman Merkins
  • O – 15 Outlaws – each direction
  • N – 14 No Surrenders
  • 418 Meter Run

Repeato x 4 (5 total rounds)


Details of the workout – The numbers of each exercise match the number of that letter in the alphabet.  5 Sets in honor of Hudson being 5 months old.  418 meter run for Hudson's birthdate of 4/18.

This workout was really tough.  Most of us completed 4 rounds while a few finished all 5.  I suggest doing this on a Saturday when more time is available.  The Lt. Dans take the majority of the time and will crush your legs.

No matter how hard the workout was, I can't imagine what Nomad and his family are feeling right now with the loss of their child.

Thanks to Cousin Eddie for taking us out with prayers for Nomad and his family, The Force's coworker's baby, Flo's family member, Jimmy O who's recovering from kidney issues, and Qbert who recently lost his brother.

It was an honor to lead this tribute workout.  Thanks Dingo for giving me the keys to Mighty Oak.
