For Sale: Viles of Uncle Rico’s Sweat!!!

18 men were feeling lucky this morning at the opportunity to catch Uncle Rico's sweat band at the end of the beat down.  Jersey Boy didn't think he could handle the levels of testosterone in it, which prompted the PAX to discuss the opportunity to UR's sweat in viles and sell it as a performance enhancer!??


  • We warmed up with SSH, Mtn Climbers, ISTs, Toy Soldiers, etc…

The Thang:

  • Mosey to the hill by the pond.
  • Starting at the intersection, sprint up the hill for 5 8-count body builders, sprint down for 20 Mericans, sprint to the bring, and lunge walk across and back, sprint back to the start for 20 Mericans.
  • REPEATO x3
  • Mosey to the rock pile (or swim if you are so inclined)
  • Curls x10 IC
  • 5 Burpees
  • Shoulder Press x10 IC
  • 5 Burpees
  • Skull Crusher x10 IC
  • 5 Burpees
  • Chest Press x10 IC
  • 5 Burpees
  • Return the rocks, and mosey back to home base


  • Dot the "i" x10 IC
  • Susan Summers x25 IC each leg (it was unanamously determined that Uncle Rico has a nice ass, and must workout!)
  • Elbow Plank, which caused a screech of excitement from Amen, so YHC handed the reigns to him to close out the last 30 seconds with J-Lo



  • 3 met for the sub-standard of 2.5 miles
  • Despite the cooler temps, and much lower humidity, this was still a sweatfest, particularly for Uncle Rico, whom bore the brunt of the PAX's ridicule this morning.
  • Gnarly Goat was sporting his 100% cotton this morning, and looking fashionable as always!
  •  We learned that 9 Lives has been permanently banned from driving a fire truck ever again, but at least he has a story to tell, and a souvenier hanging from his locker at the station.
  • Deep Dish was embarrassed by his 2.0 throughout the beatdown today.  So were the rest of the PAX (except Uncle Rico), but at least he is not our offspring, and we do not have to live with it!!!
  • Frontier shared his story for why he has long hair.  It's a good one, if you haven't heard it!!
  • Nice work today gents!  Thanks to DD for handing me the keys to the Red Carpet!!!