For the love of the game

Event Date

Aug 25, 2021

FNG-1 above is Travolta_DEN

20 IC Monkey Humpers
10 IC Grandma Maters
5 IC Dippy Birds each side

That thing
Set out cones in the diamond

On this day August 25 1921 Yankee’s pitcher Harry Harper pitched a horrible game and hits 3 batters in one inning.

And also on this day in 1922 the Cubs beat the Phillies 26-23 for the highest scoring major league game which this record still stands.

At the pull-up bar complete MAX pull-ups This is home plate. Crabby Patty, Thrift Shop and Toto really impressed here exceeding expectations. They took so long do insanely high reps that YHC had to trim the workout to accomodate the beastlike number of pull-ups reps. They have obviously been putting in the work outside of F3
Bear Crawl to first base
10 IC CDDs
Broad Jump to 2nd base
20 hand release release merkins
Lunge walk to 3rd base
30 Squats
PAX choice Dragon Walk or Inch Worm to home plate
repeato for 3 2 total rounds

Mosey to the block pile for some triple set super sets
10 IC High curl
10 IC Low curl
10 IC Full curl

10 IC Skull crushers
10 IC laying skull crushers
10 IC block dips

10 IC Shoulder press
10 IC Front shoulder raise
10 Deep swimmers press

10 IC lawn mowers right
10 IC lawn mowers left
20 block swings

Blocks up

Mosey to the launch pad
Mary is mary go round

Philippians 2:3-5 ESV

Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus


  • The grass clippings and dew was on fleek today. Can we still say on fleek?
  • Lots of fine work put in by a bunch of fine men