Forgive Me Dredd For I Have Sinned

Guys not registered on the website – Sea Biscuit, Dora, LB, Bad Santa, Spokes, Puddin', Slinger

True FNG – Scott Langley…brought out by Knuckledragger

Wed. night as I was thinking about what I'd do for the Q I came up with the name for the backblast…talk about putting the cart before the horse,.and realizing I haven't posted at a boot camp in I don't know how long, let alone Q one, I went back to my Roman Catholic upbringing and decided I needed to go to confession and the pax was going to help me with my penance.

The Thang: We did the usual warmup then moseyed to DUMC for some paver and brick work. Lot's of mumblechatter led to burpees to quiet the masses. I didn't realize how difficult take a step or two or three to the right or left could be but it was so we did more burpees. We did a bunch of curls, skull crushers, bent over rows, etc., ran some, and laughed a lot.


  • First and foremost, thank you, Mailman, for the EH 6 years ago, I have loved everything I've done with F3. Maybe not in the moment but definitely afterward.
  • Thank you P'Diddy for destroying me during my very first post…I could not straighten my arms the next day.
  • Thank you Mind Freak for EH'ing me for BRR which eventually turned me into a runner.
  • Like all of you, F3 has had a major impact on my life in numerous ways and for that, I will be forever grateful. I've celebrated successes, I've leaned on guys during difficult times, and I've shared some great laughs with most of you.
  • Here's to all of you guys putting up with me for another 6 years…at least!

