Foreplay (Easy Jog)
Stumle Upon Stones
Continue Jog with Lighter Stones (relative)
Cycle 1-4
Pull-up X 10
Tootsie Roll (Merkin + Mary…10 & 15 respectively)
Pull-up X 10
Tootsie Roll (Merkin (wide) + Mary…8 & 20 respectively)
Pull-up X 10
Tootsie Roll (Merkin (diamond) + Mary…10 & 25 respectively)
Pull-up X 10
Tootsie Roll (Merkin + Mary…10 & 25 respectively)
Jog to Stones (return)
2 cycles:
1. Skull crushers + Overhead Presses + Skull Crusherw/Overhead Press
2. Curls + Overhead Presses + Curls w/overhead Press
Return to Home Base
2 minutes of mary