Foundry: Gonna Make You Sweat till you Bleed

Missing PAX and FNG's:  CPAP, Cavalier, Erik Waufle (FNG), Vandelay (f/k/a Tommy Barry) 


19 MEN came to Lake Forest Church on Friday, July 7, 2017 with one thing in mind:  Let's get after it hard and climb the figurative mountain.  This workout proved to be very difficult.  We started off slow and then were catapaulted into a pain cave. 

Warmorama:  Mosey up the parking lot in serpentine fashion with a series of backwards run, regular, side stepping, butt kickers, karaoke, high knee, and skipping up to the pull up bars.

The warm up continued with SSH, IST, and Scrappy Yoga 

The Thang:  



Partner A:  Run a full lap

Partner B:  Hairy Chest = 5 toes to bar, 10 pull-ups, 20 merkins



Partner A:  Run a full lap (minus one parking aisle making the run a bit shorter)

Parnter B:  40 SSH, 20 merkins


We did repeato for rounds 3-6, but kept subtracting one parking aisle and I modified the exercises to account for the shorter runs. 


PAX is on the line.  Sprint each to each corner and we stop at each corner to do the following:


Short lengths:  10 burpees

Longer lengths:  6 burpess


Short lengths:  15 merkins

Longer lengths:  10 merkins

(3)  THE PIT

5-4-3-2-1 Jump Up/Burpee Ladder

10 partner derkins, 5 partner derkins and flap jack in between sets. 


Bam Bam's to 7 via BamBam

COT:  Zuul

Shirtless Moleskin: 

1.  The Force is down 28 pounds and was repping pull-ups in between sets.  And thus he makes the shirtless moleskin showing off his cleanly shaven chest. His alter ego is Princess Bubblegum.  Beware of him on Twitter. 

2.  Qbert showed up shirtless again ever since he lost his shirt at the MadScientist, driving away with a shirt on his hood.  Nice push as always.  You're a beast. 

3.  RamRod makes honorable mention with the ranger panties and the tank top.  You would have done us a favor going shirtless.  Think you won most of the sprints.  I noticed.  

4.  Caboose was sweating so much, you could see through his orange dress.  Well, a dress on me.  Fits his 6'8 body like a glove.  Nice push. 

5.  Springy got faster on the sprints.  Thanks for coming out brother. 

6.  Zuul was crushing the sprints as well.  Nice take out.  The humidity and the elements definitely humbled us today.  Thanks for lifting our spirits at the end and reminding us to show the love of Christ to others throughout the day today.  

7.  FNG Erik and Vandelay entered a sweatfest today.  Very tough workout.  Come back.  

8.  Cavalier…nice to meet you.  Strong finish. 

9.  Bam Bam – thanks for getting the 6 a few times.  You are a good man. 

10.  Bunyan – saw you won the first sprint.  Watch out for RamRod.  He's sneaky. 

11.  Frogger – nice push on the laps with The Force.  Way to get out of your comfort zone and push your limits.  Keep going and pushing your fitness. Proud of you. 

12.  Master Po – good to see you little brother. 

13. MJ – good to see you as well. 

14.  66 – nice work.  Good to see you as well big brother. 

15.  Gypsy – you crushed the runs.  I tried to draft you a few times to no avail.  Strong work!  Love your spirit man. 

16.  Red Rider – nice push as well.  You versus you.  You won. 

17.  CPAP – what does that stand for?  Nice to see you again. 

It is always awesome to show up to a workout to Q and cars are rolling in like crazy.  Thanks men.  Having this group has changed my life for the better.  I'm very grateful for each one of you.  Awesome prayer Zuul.   

Until next time, 
