Fountain of Yutes

"A what?…Did you say a yute?"  YHC had the honor of leading another soggy chubby buddha but at least this time wedidn't do 300 Mericans.  I know I am missing a couple of names so apologies.  We also had two more FNG's today, Troy, a full fledged Mosquito Hunter and graduate of the Naval Academy and his future son-in-law.  YHC was coming off a tremendously hectic trip to Wlimington to move one of his 2.0's thru monsoon rains, flash floods and 1,000 year rains.  Okay…I'm being overly dramatic – but the sight of the race city bretheren assembled in giddy anticipatipon of their KB drubbing was enough to forget the previous day's douching.  Gotta be a better way to describe that.

Warm up – a trip around the fountain and then some standard stuff –

20 SSH's

15 or so IST's

10 Cotton-pickers

10 DC mericans

15 mountain climbers

We thru in an outhouse KB exchange because we're guys and that's what guys do.

Back to the fountain….tried a little something with some choreography.  Guys lined up on fountain and did 2 dips, roll to the left and 2 DC incline mericans…roll to the left and 4 DC dips, roll to the left and 4 DC incline mericans….up to 10 DC dipos and 10 DC mericans and then back to 2.  The dips and mericans seemed to compound as YHC could hear the faint cries of angry tri's and pec's.

We followed that up with some duck walking around the fountain.  Hurdle seems to have some penchant for duck walking.  I'm guessing there's a mallard somewhere in his family tree.

Back to the safety of our canopy for some KB's – did a round of 8, then 10 then 12 of the following:


Skull Crushers



Shoulder Presses

KB Swings

Flutter Presses

One legged step ups

Threw in a few trips around the fountain.  Then topped off the drill with some Mary –

Box cutters / Cox butter

WWII sit ups

50 LBC's all KB assisted

Got intros from our FNG's – keep our ranks growing!

It ain't the humidity that's killiung us it's the dew point. 

Good work by all today – dedication of this pax never ceases to amaze me

Don't forget movie night this week – 6:30pm at Cupcake's to watch 12 Strong.  Just another reason to love this country as if you needed one.  Prayers up for all the guys doing the BRR and training for it.  Continued prayers for all our kids – finishing up school, dealing with kid stuff – let us be the best role models we can for them and those around us in need.  Speaking of which, hat's off to strutter and FLG and Rentacop for an awesone Camo 5K event this past weekend!  And thank you to the guys that helped carry the log even though it wound up taking longer than when Lear and I did it ourselves on a longer course but need I digress.