Four Corners

Event Date

Aug 25, 2020

The Blender- 4 Corners


Warm up 


SSH. 15

Windmills 10

Empiral storm troopers 10

Carrot pullers 10 

10 burpees 


Carrying KB to first corner of the church 


20 KB swings 

20 curls

20 skull crushers 

20 upright row

20 squat thrusters 


5 burpees


Carry KB to the next corner then repeat minus reps by 2


5 burpees are done prior to going to the next corner. 





Dragonfly 10

Pretzel crunch 10 each side


Recover recover 


Total reps:


104 KB swings 

104 KB curls

104 KB skull crushers 

104 KB upright rows

104 KB squat thrusters 


50 burpees 


Good work by Cajun Cowboy & Crimson this morning.  Not a lot of chatter until the end.  There wasn’t much of a breeze around the backside of the church but the frontside felt great.