Four Steamy Corners at Fallout

YHC admits to reaching out to a few (or more) pax the day before to ensure we had good representation at Fallout and the pax did not disappoint.  YHC was bringing an international FNG to the workout – woulda been a little weird if it was just the 2 of us…  So Jorge is FNG-1 and in total we had 13 fight both the fartsack and the humidity to endure a sweaty beatdown at this great AO.

Started with an introduction of Jorge, followed by a disclaimer and with a lot of pax mumblechatter woven in.  That mumblechatter would not stop until coffeeteria.  Actually, it didn’t stop there either.

Warm-o-rama began with a short lap in the parking lot as we waited for the slow-pokes (ruckers) to return and get ready for a workout. The lap and the rest of the warm-o-rama was an old school throw-back with high knees, butt-kickers, karaoke, SSHs, ISTs, long snappers, windmills, stretch and down into plank and 10 merkins in cadence.  Hop up to catchers pose, then let’s get this sweatfest started.

Grab a block – nice work by Drebin to ensure we had just enough regular size blocks plus a 1/2 block for Tantrum.  Peart Plus used his kettle better to ensure the rest of the pax could use blocks.  What a giver.

Zampirini to the middle of the first lower turf soccer field, circle up.  YHC would be barking out commands from the middle of the circle, but first gather for a group selfie in hopes of catching the nice sunrise, which we sorta did.

The Thang:

At this center field location, we would do a set of full curls and a set of skull crushers (when YHC called them we did 20 IC).  After the two sets to burn the guns, we’d run to the FAR back corner of the 2nd turf field.  There we would do 10 merkins IC before running back to the center of field 1 again.  Curls and skull crushers again, then to the other FAR back corner where we’d do 10 1/4 turn jump squats IC.  Run back to the same spot again, curls and crushers.  At this point, YHC was getting gassed and mumblechatter remained strong, so YHC determined it was time to call on the pax 1 at a time to call cadence of the curls and crushers, which they did.  This also opened the door to doing less than 20 reps IC, which was welcomed by all the pax (including YHC).

Next corner was the closer front corner.  Here our FNG Jorge would be asked to stand in the center of the corner circle (?) while the pax showed him how we do Monkey Humpers.  10 IC.  Back to the center. Curls and Crushers then to the final corner for 5 burpees OYO.  Back to the center once more for the last sets of curls and crushers.  

Zampirini the blocks back toward the start but stop at the playground.  Blocks down, lap and a half around it before going inside for 5 perfect-form pull-ups.  Then out and return the blocks, circle up for Mary With A Rope (MWAR).

MWAR – all the pax got a turn on the rope while all the pax got a turn calling a Mary exercise in cadence. Jorge knew exactly what to do, called cadence with Mountain Climbers and did it better than all the rest of the pax.

The Moleskine:

Awesome turnout by all the great pax to give Jorge the full F3 experience – including a great coffeeteria after.

Don’t know if it was a hard workout or if it was just the humidity, but YHC was GASSED a couple times along the way and especially by MWAR.  T-claps to the pax for stepping up to call cadence numerous times while YHC caught my breath.

Jorge took an interest in many pax’s nicknames.  YHC is really feeling the pressure of coming up with a great nickname for him this week.  Don’t know if he’ll post Weds or Thurs or if he’ll wait til YHC Q’s again Friday – but bet he posts at some point and earns a nickname.  Missionary visiting from Mexico City. Married 4 years – proposed by a lake in Vermont after praying to God he would meet the right woman for marriage, then dreaming about proposing by a lake.  I believe it was his future brother-in-law in Vermont who cornered Jorge one day and demanded to know, “What are your intentions with my sister?”  Jorge realized and responded, “I want to marry her”.  And then realized they had seen a beautiful lake earlier that day and it was like the lake from the dream.  He proposed the next day.

So could be something related to that dream. 

Or could go with something very American.  Jorge is George in Spanish and google says it shares meanings of “farmer” or “earth worker”.  So could go in a direction of earth worker as it relates to sharing God’s word all over the earth – which he does.  Or keep it simple and Jorge = George = George Washington and something related to George Washington.  George Washington was also a farmer.

Jorge loves coffee.  

Jorge is a very competitive, fast swimmer.  When he was younger his family made him choose between soccer and swimming and he chose swimming.

So share ideas along topics around:  

American nickname, maybe related to George Washington or another famous American “George”

How he proposed to his wife – the dream, the lake, etc

Keep in mind he is a very devout Christian missionary and travels the world sharing The Word

Great swimmer (George Harrison was an American swimmer. Former world record holder in 3 events.  Won gold medal in the Rome Olympics 1960 in the 4×200 relay and set a WR in that final event with his teammates)

Loves coffee
