Four Took a Tour of GCC

Event Date

Apr 01, 2017

4 gathered to see what was in store at True Grit.


Mosey around church with high knees and butt-kickers then circle up

SSH x 20

Slow Windmill x 10

Merkin x 10

Cotton picker x 10


Mosey to corner of parking lot where kettle bells were lined up

KB swings x 20 OYO

Run lap around lot

KB curls x 10 IC

KB swings x 20 OYO

Run a little bigger lap around lot

Skull crushers x 10

KB curls x 10 IC

KB swings x 20 OYO

Run a little bigger lap around lot

Goblet squats x 10

Skull crushers x 10

KB curls x 10 IC

KB swings x 20 OYO

Run a little bigger lap around lot

Chest press w/ low flutter x 10

Goblet squats x 10

Skull crushers x 10

KB curls x 10 IC

KB swings x 20 OYO

Run a little bigger lap around lot

Carry KB's back to shed

Line up at base of smaller hill

Run up hill and do 3 burpees

Run down hill and do 10 merkins

REPEATO decreasing merkin reps down to 1 merkin.  Alternate quadrophelia up hill on odd numbers of reps.

Mosey to front church patio.

Dips x 10

Incline merkin x 10

Rocky Balboa x 10

Box jumps x 10 OYO



Heels to heaven x 10

Pretzel crunch x 10 each side

Freddy Mercury x 20


1. Thanks to the regulars that came out this morning.

2. Word of the day was "indigenous".  Thanks Metallica.

3. Callahan has the True Grit Q on 4/8.

4. Fillmore is ready to Q a workout.  He is just waiting for someone to ask him to.

5. Caboose made a surprise appearance by strategically skirting his fatherly duties.


See y'all in the gloom,

Ty Webb