Foxcatcher and Other Obscure Trivia…

Stop me if you have heard this one…An Outlaw, a Shakespeare character and Moses himself walk into a bar…It was my first time Q'ing at this AO, so I arrived early to scout out the territory for the next installment of YHC's traveling trivia extravaganza.  A PAX of 9 gathered in the cold morning to test their mental and physical limits in a general game of knowledge.  As any good coach or school teacher would say…these are the smartest PAX I have encountered to date.  Here is their story


Mosey to lighted parking lot and circle up for the standard (YHC version) warm-up.  All were IC except where noted

SSH x 30

Seal Claps x 20

Cotton Pickers x 10

Windmill x 10

Mosey to common area for instructions…


Good ol' four-corners was on the menu to start the morning.  PAX would move from corner to corner OYO and plank it out when returning to the start – the wrinkle was a trivia question to start each round – correct answer = no extra reps, incorrect answer = double the reps.  I believe the PAX score 3/4 correct

Corner 1 – Mericans x 10 IC

Corner 2 – Flutter Kicks x 15 IC

Corner 3 – Burpees x 5

Corner 4 – LBC's x 15 IC

Return to Start – Answer Question

Repeato, Repeato, Repeato – PAX only had to do double reps for one repeato.  The correct answer was Foxcatcher.  This missed question led to some NC-17 discussion about other animals and where they are kept on the human body.  To protect the innocent, I have chosen to keep the details in the morning gloom, rather than include here

Next PAX were instructed to partner up (size does not matter) for some Patty Cake sit-ups and CDDS with sprints in between.

Pattycake Sit-up Ladder 5, 10, 15, 20

CDDs 5, 10, 15 , 20

Mosey back to HT parking lot for mary


Elbow Plank (1min)

Touch them heels x 20 IC

Homer to Marge with Low Dolly and Rosalita

Low Flutters

Big Baby Crunch

Recover Recover


It was truly a pleasure leading such seasoned gentlemen this morning – I thought I was the youngest, but Wafflehouse had me by a few years

I always appreciate some good mumblechatter and you all delivered this AM – thanks

I will be back (if allowed since Burpees were on the agenda) to Q that is not a threat, but a promise.  Also – shameless plug – dont be affraid to venture over to my neck of the woods on Tuesdays – I am master Q at Fallout over at Richard Berry Park – dates are open, come bring the pain

That is all for now

TBone…is Out!