FRaC Launch

The official launch of FRaC (Fission, Rucks, and Coffee) took place Thursday May 21, 2021. 

Remembering the PAX in attendance a week later, is quite the accomplishment for YHC. Much like winning a championship, major accomplishments should be cherished a bit before discussing and recapping the event. 


We rucked. 'Twas just a smidge over 3 miles. We completed some exercises in cadence along the way. We witnessed Jersey Boy struggle with his kids backpack full of bricks and no padding… 


Thanks Cousin Eddie for the idea and opportunity to lead. This was fun!

FRaC will take place the last Thursday of each month @ Fission. Who is up next?

Fresh Prince appeared out of nowhere. I believe he thought rucking took place on trails and that beer was involved. He may have been a bit dissapointed. 

Caesar was a surprise attendee. Nice work brother! 

Blackbeard complained about pace before we even began. He then complained about exercises. This was to be expected.

Stapler failed to bring his slosh pipes. What a letdown (not really). Maybe he'll remember when he Q's…

Canuck went full WebMD on Goat before we stepped off. I think we determined Goat needs more vaccines! Good looking out, Canuck!

Gnarly Goat held court at coffee. Public restrooms were the topic. The man fails to disappoint. 

Dallas and YHC crushed donuts afterward, because that's what ruckers do!

Rucking is fun. When done right, and with the right equipment, rucking can build strength while limiting injury. Proper shoes and a supportive ruck are key. Let's keep moving Men!