Old school workout – Q shows up exactly on-time and launches with a touch of fanfare
Mosey track
Warm up
CCD X 10
Toy Soldier X 15
mosey to middle school
bear crawl the sidewalk
peoples chair w/touch dem heels x 20
balls to the wall
donkey kick
mosey to front of school
squatwalk (really something else I still can’t recall, feel free to note below)
step ups on bench X 10 each leg
mosey to front
Pinky Pie up to 7 (I think, these were hard)
mosey to elementary school, by the trimmed bush
monkey humper x 15
mosey to stairs
partner up – wheel barrow to top – squat X 5 – flip/flop
dips on the bench x 15
mosey to top of lot
Cheerleader x 15
mosey to new benches
incline merican x 10
mosey to BEP
mosey to bottom area
peoples chair, front guy takes a loop X 2
WW2 x 15
Pretzel crunch x 10 each side
airbone mindbender
low flutter x 20
plank for 10 seconds each
jack-knife LBC x 10 each side (Gambini)
Shoulder touch merican x 10 (Snake Eyes)
Appreciate the crew fighting through the humidity this morning, think I made this a decent workout. Shenanigans at the wall sit were well executed, who’s idea was that? Prayers for BEP’s back, and for so many that were impacted by the hurricane (I encourage everyone to find ways to help, no matter how small). Drebin, thanks for continuing to lead Fallout, workouts always good, and the company better. Out.