Free Skating At PAINinsula

10 Pax enjoyed a wintery humid beatdown, with 1 Pax completing the standard (Omega).

It was a springlike morning, and the Pax and YHC took full advantage.  Here is how it all went down.


  • Jog to a nice open space to chat and warm up
  • 20 IC SSH
  • 10 IC IST
  • 10 IC TS
  • 10 IC Carrot Pullers
  • 10 IC Windmills

Run to H2 to start the thang:

  • 7 sets of:
    • 10 IC Apollo Ohno’s
    • 10 IC ‘mericans
    • 15 IC squats
    • Run a quarter mile
  • Run to the smoke house alley… 3 sets of:
    • Peoples Chair
    • Ladder Air Press: 20, 10, 5
    • 10 IC Monkey Humpers
  • Omega 10 Count to give YHC a breather
  • Elbow Plank
  • 10 IC Makhtar N'Diaye

Run to the start for Mobility Moment and Mary:

  • Plank
  • Up dog
  • Down dog… do it again
  • Pigeon!!! Yum!
  • Butterfly
  • Travolta – Some crazy ass pushup that felt like a meth head bear crawl
  • Gnarly Goat – Hamstring and hip stretch
  • Omega – Heels to the sky… or some sort of Mary drill
  • No Rope – ‘mericans 10 IC
  • Strombolli – Crunchy Frog 10 IC

Recover Recover


  • Great to see Omega keeping the PAINinsula standard going strong
  • Was slippery out there… made the skating challenging
  • Lots of mumble chatter about lack of exercise diversity… but everyone felt included
  • Lots of feedback that Apollo Ohno’s in a Murph type workout, the day after the Murph, was poor form… YHC cherished the tears
  • Pigeon was truly glorious
  • Great conversation and fellowship during coffeteria.  Shout out to McBeth for covering the bill
  • A great honor to lead these fine men.  Thank you Outlaw for the opportunity.