Freedom in a square

Event Date

Jan 25, 2025

Q got to the AO at 6:40, unload and setup some fun in the cage. (Tennis court square).  Then move the car to the normal sport and post the shovel flag as PAX rolled in:

Cheese, Clark, Diesel, Dr. DoLittle, Sonar and Praise, for a total of 7…

And this is what we did…

The usual warm up stuff.

Mosey to the tennis courts and explain the concept.  Each corner has a sign on the fence with instruction/suggestions hanging by a clothes pin.  Each corner focused on a different area: Arms, Cardio, Abs, Legs.

Gear provided/available included the slam fire hose, slam ball, jump rope, rocks, blocks, weights, and a kettlebell.

Do any exercise, mosey, walk, run or crawl to the next corner, do an exercise, continue…

We go non-stop for the entire workout.  You do at your pace,

and go…

Beyond that, PAX were free to customize as they wish.  Some took entire laps, some made up a related exercise, some sprinted corner to corner.  Not a lot of mumble chatter, but the PAX did mix and match as we went round and round in the square. 

Two tennis balls were in the caged area, and were pretty much tossed at each other the entire time.  

Fun to see everyone scale things up or down.  Each made it their own.

Everyone helps clean up.  Many hands make light work.


1 Corinthians 7:23 NIV
You were bought at a price; do not become slaves of human beings.

Relatable quote that I love and inspired me to find this verse. (not a bible verse):

“Ponder how valuable your soul must be for the Devil to tirelessly pursue it, and the King to lay down his own life for it.”

Sound off.


We put in our Chick-fil-a mobile orders.

Coffeteria where clothes pin shenanigans were had.


If you’re still reading this… thanks!

Always a pleasure to lead.

