Freedom to Serve… Love of…

Event Date

Aug 24, 2017


The rest of the PAX in spirit – Missed you…

Thinking Clark was in attendence, Wild Thing also? Correct me if I am wrong! I know that we had 9, Hole Shot needs to sign up. In any case, 9 are better now. See why:


SSH – 50IC

Cotton Pickers – 10IC

Copperhead Squats – 25IC

Windmills – 10IC

Imperial Squat Walkers – 25IC

LBH Mosey, find a happy spot up top

The Thang:

?WW1 Sit-Ups – 30

Mosey to the playground

?Meat Grinder – Round 1:

Hanging Toe Touches – 15

Burpees – 10

Little Baby Dips – 15

Block Press – 30

Australian Rows – 15

Block Skull Crushers – 30

Zig-Zag Jumps – Until everyone else is finished

Block Curls for Girls – 30

Calf Raises – 30

LBH Mosey, find a happy spot

WW1 Sit-Ups – 30

Mosey to the playground

WW1 Sit-Ups – 30

Mosey to the playground

?Meat Grinder – Round 2:

Hanging Toe Touches – 12

Burpees – 8

Little Baby Dips – 24

Block Press – 24

Australian Rows – 12

Block Skull Crushers – 24

Zig-Zag Jumps – Until everyone else is finished

Block Curls for Girls – 24

Calf Raises – 24

LBH Mosey, find a happy spot

WW1 Sit-Ups – 30

Jane Fonda: Right – 25IC

Jane Fonda: Left – 25IC

Pickle Pounders – 25IC

Jane Fonda: Right – 25IC

Jane Fonda: Left – 25IC

Pickle Pounders – 25IC

Mosey to the parking lot


LBC – 30IC


3 sets of 30 – 50 Merkins @ least every other day: Stop, drop, Merk!


For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.


Galatians 5:13 ESV

Today was a choice, I had much freedom, I chose to serve you! May be due to love, or may be due to me enjoying the infliction of pain on y'all!


– Several favorites based on the mumble chatter.

– Looking forward to the next couple of weeks of cooler, less humid weather!

I appreciate you!

My Best, Dandelion