Freedom’s 5 Year Anniversary

12 pax came out to celebrate 5 years of my F3 Birthday. I thought I would bring out some of my favorites from over the years


The Thang

Snake up and down the lower field hill, over the benches, and into COP


Monkey Humpers x 10 IC

SSH x 15IC

Peter Parkerx 10 IC

Imperial Storm Trooper x 15 IC

Parker Peter x 10 IC

Cotton Picker x 10 IC

LBC x 15 IC 

Lets Go

Indian Run yep remember those

Around the school to the bus Lot wall

People Chair

Balls to the Wall

Mosey to the Parking Spaces for Sucides from Hell

5 Merkins at each line ( regular, wide, diamond) atternate each line 19 lines

Plank it out

Indian Run to the SoftBall fields

Start at home Plate 

run through fist base 20 LBC at fence then jump the fence 5 Burpees, over the fence 20 more LBCs 10 Dry Docks at Home Plate, repeat and rinse at second base and third base.

Yep Indian Run again ( its not really Running)

around the track the long way for some MARY


Homer to Marge



Low Flutter

Rerverse LBC

Dying Cock a Roach

Mason Twist

Plank 1 min

Recover Recover


Naked Moleskin

Well we covered 2.83 miles the sneaky way by doing Indian Runs. We havent done those in a while.

I want to Thanks to all the pax in the Nation expecially the LKN pax. I never though that going to work out one Saturday in 2012 it would of brough me to so many great people. You guys have supported me and my family during some of my darkest days. You were there to push me when I had nothing left during races. You were there just to lend an ear. I cherish every Sat morning waking up to stupid stuff with everyone and then going to coffee to laugh, support, and just to know that we are all in the same boat together. Thank you all for that.