Freethrow Fallout

11 PAX joined us today, and 2 more tagged in for Mary. The group went a combined 2 of 17 from the freethrow line as we burned through punishments as fast as we burned through our triceps. Airballs may have tripled the made shots, but your Q contributed to the prior. 

Warm-o-rama: Side straddle hop, imperial storm trooper, windmill

Made shot (which were few and far between)- 5 merkins in cadence

Missed shot punishments-

  • cross-parking lot crab walk
  • dips
  • skull crushers
  • overhead cinderblock press
  • slow merkin
  • daimond merkin
  • balls to wall
  • cinder block chest press
  • low/high/full curl
  • pull ups
  • helping hand

and a very brief Mary to cap things off. 


I called upon Baller for our first shot, and he earned his name by making it. The next shooters, not named Baller, struggled to produce the same result.

After his own commentary on the basketball skill of his fellow hispanic-americans, Tugboat became the second, and last one to make a shot.

I probably should've chosen myself to go first, because 30 minutes into a tricep-intensive workout, my shot failed to find the rim, just as many of the shots I poked fun at before. 



Thanks everyone for taking it easy on me with the mumble chatter in my virgin Q. I think we all have some healing to do before practicing our free throws.
