Friday Hops and Voice Drops at the General

Not one but two FNG's – I'm pretty sure both have a connection to Jukebox.  Great to have you out – and great job Jukebox – keep em coming.

First Post FNG – Greg Zajack

Second Post FNG – Chris Hobley (or maybe Cobley) – now know as Peg Leg (which makes a lot more sense if it's Hobley, but adds a "one-off" component if it's Cobley)

Hops and Voice Drops – See below for the hops, regarding the Voice Drops – YHC had some vocal issues today that started with some puberty-esque cracking and morphed into what some said was my voice dropping an octave.  I'm glad I could entertain. 

We started with the pledge – and then we moseyed around the parking lot to circle up for Warm-o-rama……but wait, there in the distance, I see a light…I am drawn to the light – what could it be, oh wait, it's just Ninja Turtle coming in on cue – on two wheels – now we can start.

This is probably pretty close to what we did – – – –

SSH IC x 25, IST IC x 15, Windmill IC x 15, Toy Soldier IC x 15, Carrot Pullers IC x 15, Mericans x 10 IC

Mosey to the back wall area


Find a painted parking line – let's call this line #0.

From #0 Broad Jump to line #3 – bunny hop 10x over #3.  Broad Jump back to #0 and bunny hop 10x, Broad Jump to #2 – bunny hop 10x, Back to #0 bunny hops – 10x, Broad Jump to #1 and bunny hop 10x, back to #0 and 10 bunny hops.

Repeato – Broad Jump/Bunny Hop suicide-type sequence

From #0 – Broad Jump to #4 – keep track of Jumps.  Broad Jump Back to #0 in fewer jumps.

Find a spot on the wall for People's Chair (#OneChina) with 20IC Air Presses thrown in for good measure.

One more round of Broad Jump/Bunny Hop Suicides

Mosey to the Concession area and find a bench

Dips x 15IC, Incline Mericans x 15IC, Repeato

Alternating Step Ups – 10 each leg OYO

Mosey past the launch pad – and head to the bottom of the entrance road

Partner Up –

Partner 1 Runs up the hill to the entrance and back

Partner 2 performs an exercise AMRAP – flip flop flap jack x 3

First Round – LBCs, Second Round – Mericans, Third Round – Squats

Remain partnered up –

Partner One Bear Crawl up the hil towards the entrance – Partner 2 Five Burpees then catch #1

Continue until each partner does 2 rounds of Burpees

Head to the Rock Pile – not much time – I was reminded by many time conscientious PAX.  Thank you.

Grab a rock – All in Cadence – 10 Low curls, 10 High Curls, 10 Full Curls

Move one to the right – 10 Slow Curls – put them back.  Mosey home.


Pretzel Crunch Right, Low Flutter, Pretzel Crunch Left, Rosalita, Perfectly Executed Elbow Planks

Recover Recover

Brady Bunch Moleskin:

– Thanks Landline for the chance to lead.  I'm sure you'll do a great job with The General Master Q duties.  Speaking of which – calling all PAX to step up and Q.  At any AO – but particularly The General (and Hollywood).

– Ninja Turtle – like clock work.  5:30:30

– I'd be willing to bet that in the last three years The General accounts for 95% of the times I've said the Pledge of Allegiance.  It's a great way to start the day – even when Tagless made us run before the Pledge last week.  Feels like people in general should be saying the Pledge more.  My 2 cents.

– Awesome to have 2 FNGs at the same workout – may our circle and brotherhood continue to grow.

– Shout out to my partner this morning Bagboy.  2+ years ago I made a New Year's Resolution to check out the Men of Purpose Bible Study whcih was being led by BB and Mini-Me.  Like with all things F3 – I'm glad I did – it the perfect way to start each week.  Take some time to experience the 3rd F with your brothers.  There are many bible studies everyweek – morning and evening.  Check one out – or start your own. 

Humbly submitted,

