Friday the 13th

*also Slurpee who was WB at 19

20 fearless men stepped into the spooky gloom this am not knowing what may be lurking in the darkness. All of them had just one mission in mind, to survive! Here is their story.



Mosey through the parking lot, loosen up those legs.

SSH x 20 IC

Merkins x 10 IC

IST x 20 IC

Cotton Pickers x 10 IC

Heismans x 20 IC

Carolina Dry Docks x 15 IC

The Thang:

Run one lap around the outside of the LFC parking lot, meet back at the rock pile

Round 1: With your rock

Curls x 13 IC

Shoulder Press x 13 IC

Goblet Squat x 13 IC

Skull Crusher x 13 IC

Quadriphilla to pull-up corner

Round 2 :

Pull-ups x 13 OYO

Merkins x 13 IC

Mt. Climbers x 13 IC

Burpees x 13 OYO

Bear Crawl to next Corner of parking lot

Round 3: Core

Freddy Mercury x 13 IC

Low Flutter x 13 IC

W.W.II Sit-ups x 13 IC

Plank Jacks x 13 IC

Run to fireplace covered area

Round 4:

Step-ups 13 each leg OYO

Dips x 13 IC

Toe Touches x 13 IC

Incline Merkins x 13 IC

One Lap (and a half) back to our rocks

Repeato Round 1, Return your rocks where you found them.

Repeato Round 3, Recover, Recover!


Your Tardy Moleskin:

Great job to all the pax that showed up this morning. Especially those that showed for the standard. I wouldn't know because I did not show up even after I preblasted the standard. Sorry fellas, but its because i care about your fitness. From what I gathered, it was DonHo, Grey Ghost, Auto, any others can sound off below.

Only Mumblechatter this morning revolved around my coupon selection.  Some would say my rock was smaller than some of the others but I would say that its really a matter of perspective. For example, if we compare any of the Pax rocks to the monster Bam Bam decided to use they would seem "small". Regardless, I ended up with Bam Bam's beauty on the last set of Skull Crushers and thats exactly what it almost did.

Always a pleasure to get to become stronger with this group on men. Thanks To Ty Webb for allowing me to lead.

Please continue to keep Olive and his family in your thoughts and prayers.