Friday the 13th…Not as scary as some thought

Event Date

Mar 13, 2020

Four men braved the rain and sore arms (thanks, Mater) for another chance to get their swole on.  Friday the 13th didnt turn out as scary as some thought. 

MC covered the gamut from gas prices, WV geography, stocks, and of course Coronavirus hysteria. 

Missed those who weren't there and enjoyed those that were.  Pleasure to lead. 

Keep calm and carry on!



13 x SSH (IC)

13 x Squats (IC)

13 x Monkey Humpers (IC)

13 x Cotton Pickers (IC)

13 X Merkins OYO


13 x KB Burp and overhead press OYO

13 x American KB swings

13 x Squat press

13 x Deadlift

13 x Lunges- two is one

13 x Upright Row

13 x Lying pullovers

13 x Lying chest press

13 x Lying skull crushers

13 x Halo tight- Right and left

13 x Around the World tight- Right and left

Kettlebell carry to top of parking lot and back


13 x KB swings- Right hand only

13 x Squat press- Right hand only

13 x deadlift- Right hand only

13 x Step out squat- Right hand only

13 x Upright Row- Right hand only

13 x KB Lawn mower pulls -Right  

13 x Shoulder press- Right

13 x Snatch and press- Right

13 x Rotate and press- Right

13 x KB Merkin- Right


13 x KB swings- Left hand only

13 x Squat press- Left hand only

13 x deadlift- Left hand only

13 x Step out squat – Left hand only

13 x Upright Row- Left hand only

13 x KB Lawn mower pulls -Left 

13 x Shoulder press- Left

13 x Snatch and press- Left

13 x Rotate and press- Left

13 x KB Merkin- Left


LBC (IC) x 13

Low flutter (IC) x 13

Pretzel crunch (IC) x 13 Left and right


Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?” —Matthew 6:27 (NIV)

Peace I leave with you. My peace I give you. I give to you not as the world gives. Don’t be troubled or afraid.” —John 14:27 (CEB)

Name-a-rama and prayer out

