Friday the 13th of 2020… what better day for a VQ??

Warm Up:

Side straddle hop x20

Imperial storm trooper x10

Dwight schrute x10

The windmill x10


The Curl x20

Shoulder Press x20

Squat x20

Farmers Carry/Cinder Block Merkin


Kettlebell Swings x20

Allen Iverson's x10 each leg

Kettlebell Thrusters x20

Farmers Carry/Cinder Block Merkin


Chest press x20

Bent Over/Plank Rows x10 per side

Skull Crusher x10

Farmers Carry/Cinder Block Merkin

Curl x20

Plank Drag x10 per side

Squat x10


Mary for final 10 minutes


VQ so there's room for improvement, but everyone worked hard. Hope you all enjoyed it! 
