Friendly Friday

Event Date

Mar 29, 2019

Zig zag through parking lot to the back


Grab a block 


Everyone pick a favorite exercise. Everyone does their favorite while one person runs around a section of the parking lot.  Each person rotates until all favorite exercises are completed and everyone got to run as the timer. 


Exercise selection without block:


Bunyan- Hand release mericans 

Kosar- mericans 

Qbert- burpees 

Caboose- squats 

Uncle Rico- rocky balboas

Flo- ran first 


Repeat but this time selecting an exercise using a block. 


Exercise selection with a block:


Bunyan- lawn mower pulls

Kosar- curls

Qbert- block burpees 

Caboose – block swings

Uncle Rico- shoulder press


Repeat but this time only doing Mary. 


Mary exercise selection:


Bunyan- one leg LBC 

Kosar- low flutter 



Uncle Rico-burpees 

Flo- ran first 


Next head to the top of the parking lot and partner up.   The two partners select a favorite exercise without a block. 

-partner 1 does the exercise without a block while partner 2 pushes the block across parking lot then runs back. Flap jack: partner 2 runs to block and pushes it back while Partner 1 does selected exercise. 

Repeat 2 x


Partner workout 


Flo- Uncle Rico. Block push &hand release mericans  2x farmers carry & Carolina dry docks 2x

Bunyan-Kosar. Block push & pull ups 2x

Caboose-Qbert. Block push & pull ups 2x


Circle up for one more round of favorites 10 reps



Qbert- block burpees 

Caboose-squats with block 

Uncle Rico- one arm shoulder press 10 each arm

Bunyan- V ups with block

Flo- WWII sit ups


Good work by everyone.  Friendly Friday was fun and a lot harder when you have some hard core guys selecting a favorite exercise.