Friendly Friday

Friendly Friday at the cauldron 



15 SSH

10 toy soldiers 

10 windmills 

Little baby circles forward then backwards 




The Q was nice enough to let everyone pick an exercise. They just didn’t know at first there would be a stack.  In between a set of exercises, the PAX ran up to the next level of the parking deck. Before running back to the KB there was a Mary exercise. 


Flo- 10 KB swings

Amen- 10 curls 

Change- 10 KB squats

Toxic- 10 durcans (10 mericans then on your knees & 10 KB shoulder press)

Ultraman- around the world, 5 each way

Andrew:FNG2 now know as AOL- 10 calf raises 

Ponch- 10 Superman 

Rocket- plank rows with KB 5 each arm

Die Hard- 10 Travelers  5 each side

Top Gun- low pigeon each leg

Frontier-10 8 count body burners 


At this point we almost ran out of time so we skipped the running and went to the following:

Blackbeard- 10 skull crushers 

Lawn Dart- 10 times squat figure 8

Bunyan- 10 count airborne mind bender 


The Mary for the first five rounds was 15 LBC

The Mary exercise switched to WWII sit ups for the next 4 rounds and then finished with pretzel crunches 10 each leg for three rounds. 


Recover Recover


Total rep count:


110 KB swings 

100 curls

90 squats with KB

80 durcans

70 around the world 

60 calf raises 

50 Superman 

40 plank rows

30 travelers 

2 low pigeon 

10 8 count body burners 

10 skull crushers 

10 times of squat figure 8


Great work by everyone. It was warm, muggy and no breeze inside the parking deck. Toxic wondered how long it took the Q to figure out this workout.  No complaints with the music this time.  We almost ran out of time and Bunyan surprised us by calling out the airborne mind bender. We all thought burpees were coming. 

We named Andrew-FNG2 to : AOL. 

Thanks Force for letting me Q. 

