Friends Don’t Let Friends Skip Leg Day

Event Date

Jul 20, 2018


PAX of 3 rallied at the wee early hours of 0445 to wail on the quads, hammies, and glutes. 2 remained for a good 2nd F discussion with a surprise late guest.


  • SSH 15X IC
  • Imperial Storm Trooper 10X IC
  • Cotton Pickers 10X IC
  • Stretch

The Thang – mosey to fountain by movie theater and quick call audible as some dude was soaking his feet in the water. Continue to mosey back toward the center and post up at the benches.

Evolution 1 – 3 sets of 4 exercises beginning with 12 reps IC down to 10 and then down to 8

  • Dips
  • Step ups
  • Decline Muricans
  • Slow deep squat

Mosey toward parking ramp only to be informed that the PAX are no longer allowed to use the parking ramp. Second audible is made as the PAX about face and mosey to the greenway hill behind the movie theater.

Evolution 2 – Jacobs ladder with 2 reps at bottom and 12 at top, ascending and descending by 2 reps for 6 rounds

  • Jump squats at bottom (begin with 2 reps and ascend by 2 up to 12)
  • Quadraphilia up hill (ouch!)
  • Burpees at top (begin with 12 and descend by 2 down to 2)
  • Run back to the bottom and repeato

Mosey back to Starbucks for Mary

  • LBC 15X IC
  • Low Flutter 15X IC
  • Low Dolly 10X IC
  • Homer to Marg 5X IC



  • Thanks Jedi for voluntelling me to Q
  • Great conversation throughout learning all about Jedi's neighborhood Nerf asassin war game
  • RP's were in full effect, Big Montana was either jealous or frightened, hard to tell
  • The man, the myth, the legend, Ramrod himself graced us with his presence for the latter half of 2nd F, great seeing you out there buddy