From Berlin, Germany to Misenheimer, NC

Event Date

Jul 23, 2023

8 PAX chose to jump start their weekend and get stronger by making it out to Mighty Jungle on Saturday morning.  Airstream appeared bright and early and was already there when YHC and Bagboy pulled into the parking lot.  A PAX whom I hadn’t met before approached shortly after and introduced himself as Merkel.  Merkel explained he was recently nicknamed at Samson after also posting on Monday at The Sword.  As we mingled prior to the start of the workout, Merkel explained that he first heard about F3 in the recent F3 NY Times Article He went on to mention that he was approached in Charlotte by an F3 brother while running on Tyvola and decided to come out. Pretty cool story. (more on Merkel below)

FNG-1 is Merkel (Alex Daskalow)

YHC promised a full body strength and conditioning workout and every PAX in attendance left nothing behind when it was over.  After a brief warm-a-rama, PAX performed various strength building exercises with the cement blocks in the back corner of the parking lot, hammering multiple sets of curls, shoulder presses, bent-over rows and diamond merkins (hands on blocks).  Cardio conditioning was also including with a few laps around the entire St. Marks property.  PAX hit the courtyard fountain for incline and decline merkins along with dips and air squats.  YHC got some heckling and pushback on the bear crawls and crab walks across the beautifully manicured St. Marks grassy courtyard area – some lame comment about afraid of getting fertilizer on our hands (weak excuse but modify as needed is always an option).  It was later discovered that St. Marks uses only organic and sustainable treatments on their beautifully landscaped property.  It’s safer for the environment and safer for the men of F3.

A lively and well attended coffeeteria followed the workout where the PAX got to know Merkel and his story about how he found his way to the Lake Norman area.  Merkel grew up in Berlin, Germany and came to the US in the early 2000’s to play college lacrosse at Pfeiffer University in Misenheimer, NC.  It’s clear that he has already enjoyed the F3 connections in only his first week.  Give Merkel a warm welcome at the next workout!

Be on the lookout for detail coming out soon about the August 12th Hope House F3 Event.  Note this is a family friendly event so mark your calendar and bring your M and 2.0’s. Thanks to Soprano for sponsoring our Dunking Booth at the event and also big thanks to Riverboat who would also like to sponsor the event.  Hard commits already for the dunking booth include Omega, Hippie, and Olive.  Soft Commits include Gambini, Shaken Not Sirred, and Duvall. Need to get all hard commits on the dunking booth in the next couple of days so DM if interested.  YHC and others thinks Don Ho would be an awesome participant, maybe Scrappy???!  Remember the dunking booth participants will be part of a fundraiser for this event so begin talking this up among your AO’s.  

Soprano closed us in prayer of gratitude as he lifted up our fellow brothers spoken and unspoken requests.  Continue to lift up Blackbeard as he recovers from back surgery.

It was an honor and privilege to lead at Mighty Jungle and so good to be among some great men to start the weekend!

Humbly in Christ 

