Frontier got a haircut?!?!?!

Event Date

Jun 10, 2024

I almost called myself out with the title of the backblast because there were several times that I forgot the names of exercises today and was quickly corrected by all PAX, but had to change to honor the fact that Frontier no longer has his flowing hair that he was so famously known for!  Haircut looks good on him.

On to the workout…


  • SSH IC x 20
  • Squats IC x 20
    • Hold squats and then transition to a brief mobility moment to stretch out the legs
  • SSH IC x 20
  • Pushups IC x 10

The Thang:

Two rounds of tabata, ten minutes each with 40 seconds on and 20 seconds off.

Mosey to church/basketball parking lot

  • Reverse lunges
  • High knees
  • Commandos (Up Down Plank)
  • Plank Jacks
  • Pop Squats (Jump Squats)
  • Staggered Squat Walk
  • Squat Twist
  • Merkins
  • Wall Sit
  • 10 mtn climbers into burpees (for 1 minute)

Mosey to back of parking lot by the pullup bars

  • Prisoner Squat knee to elbow
  • No cheat push-ups
  • Shoulder taps
  • Front to back lunge (right leg)
  • Front to back lunge (left leg)
  • Butt Kicks/high knees
  • Power jacks
  • Bicycle crunches (Freddy Mercury)
  • Flutter kicks
  • In and out Crunches
  • Spider man/Peter Parker
  • 10 mountain climbers into burpee (for 1 minute)

Finish with farmers carry/partner

  • 100 pushups 
  • 200 situps/LBC’s
  • 300 curls (only able to get to 100 due to time constraints)


  • Continued prayers for The Forces Mom as she is battling cancer and looking to have treatments on June 26th
  • Prayers for Ultraman and Stray as they recover from catching COVID after their Vegas adventures

Thank you PAX for joining me in the gloom and Ping for the opportunity to lead this morning.

Until the next time,