Frosted Cupcakes

We had three friends that decided to run inside of lifting heavy things… Six Shooter, Contra and Pyle.

Four showed for the standard to relive the glory days of middle school carrying around a backpack- Brushless, Cheez Whiz, Pierogi and Big Mean.

Warm up…

1 lap around the circle, butt-kickers, high knees, karyoke.

IC 10 SSH 

The Thang…

I decided to pull one of my favorite KB workouts off the shelf that Frosty and Cupcake put together this summer.  As Chicken Little astutly pointed out, originally there were some burpees involved.  They may or may not been left off intentionally…

This workout was designed with six movements:

  • Curls
  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • Upright Rows
  • Press
  • LBCs.

Each movement was completed in cadence and double count.  

Started with 20X… repeato… 18, 16, 14, 12, 10 and 8.


IC 10 X Low Flutter

recover, recover.


Thank you to Banana Peel, for giving me the opportunity to lead.  I really enjoyed it.  

A big thank you to Shambala who litterally counted every single rep.  Helped keep the Q honest!  There were a couple of times I lost track of count. I now understand the important of the rest of the Pax counting as well, I'll make sure to do that moving forward.  

A huge shout out to Mailman, Dewey and Hummer- who at the end, said we have time for one more series… "We can do eight, eight is easy!"  I appreciate the fact that I'm surrounded by dudes who aren't afraid to push themselves to get better, and one of the many reasons I love this group so much.  Iron sharpens iron! 


