Frozen Fireball on Fleek

Event Date

Jan 09, 2017

As YHC pulled into the parking lot of BRP I was thinking to myself that there was no way any other pax were crazy enough to show up for a 5 mile run in 15° weather. Thank God for F3 and other men who made the choice to show up in the gloom and make themselves stronger and their brothers stronger. The Thang: We ran a modified fireball because of the snow and ice on the greenway, which was basically an out and back. #stillcounts Jolly Roger went out with a 7:40 pace…well this is going to be fun. YHC was cruising with the BKOI, thinking there’s no way we are keeping this up, as every breath turned into icicles and crashed on the pavement. It wasn’t til about 1.7mi in when we heard the soft smooth footsteps of the one and only Mini Me. Him and Major Tom had to be killing their second mile to catch us so easily. Never the less, we leveled out the pace after the turn. Catfish and Mayhem looked strong hanging right with the rest of the Pax at halfway. The road back always seems so much longer that out on a down and back route, as Jolly and I discussed several times throughout, but the journey back was fast and rewarding for all. YHC had cut us back a little shy of halfway so we had to run to the end of the parking lot and back to the cars to get our 5 miles in. Frozen Moleskin: Fun times had by all this cold winter morning, it was sooooo cold but we all embraced the suck and powered through.Not much of a 2nd F pace but I enjoyed small talk with Jolly, Mayhem, and mini along the way.The phrase ” it’s not rocket science ” took on a whole new meaning when Major Tom told us he used to work for NASA! Great naming job BTW whoever named him. Still plenty of time to get your Fireball patch this month. Show up to the Monday morning run, maybe a double down, and and an OTB Fireball and BOOM your already there! T-claps to Wingman for stepping up to lead this AO, and for Q swapping with YHC to mix things up at my AO! Thanks for the opportunity to be apart of this brotherhood. Until next time!Chapo out!