Full body stretch

Seated Cat/Cow Knee to chest rock it side to sideRight/left leg extensionUpside down leg pressSitting foldChild poseDownward dogWalk the dogBaby cobraCobraWide leg grab toes or ankleWarrior OneWarrior TWOReverse WarriorTwisted prayerPyramid postureReverse triangleSeated twisted prayerSeated side stretchExtended leg side stretchSeated foldSeated twistCat/CowRag dollTwisted chairTwisted lungeForward foldForward twistAkward airplaneCornwallis WallRecover, Recover13 men including 4 for standard Cornwallis, Jedi, Blackberry & Red OctoberPrayers for The Force 2.0 possible thorn AchillesPrayers for Tagless and his family. Tagless grandma passed away last week at age of 99yrs old. AmenThank you Cornwallis for taken us out prayerGood luck and be safe to all runners HHMOmaha thank you for opportunity to QGreat job by allTitan OUT!