Full body work at Hollywood

FNG-1 newly named PAX Canelo


Standard warm up exercises that we do 

The Thang (all exercises either 15 reps IC or 30 reps total)

Mosey to center of birkdale

15 Bonnie Blair’s each leg

Mericans IC

Squats IC


Calf Raises IC

Mosey to stage

Dips IC

Step Ups 15 each leg

Mericans IC

Split squat IC each leg

Mosey to movie theater

Wall sits with heel touchers

Praying Mantis IC

One legged calf raises 15 each leg

Mericans IC (only 10 this time)

Mosey to bottom of greenway hill

Bottom of hill 10 burpees, top of hill 10 mericans x 2o

Mosey to tennis court lot and grab a rock

Curls, Overhead Press, Skull crushers IC

mosey to launch

A little bit of Mary

recover recover

Name o rama



Good work Jersey Boy on your torn ACL, heal up quick!

Welcome newly named Canelo. He came up after Enron EH’d him after Enron got a new car at the dealership.

Reach out to Stray and TAPs for his coworkers as they had a bad car accident in Michigan