Full Life The Revolt Run with 25 Pax!

Additional Pax Present: P.A.B., Gisele, Lakawana, Shrooms & FNG Matt Mitchell.  25 total!

Despite Duvall's Tuesday night attempt on The Revolt slack channel to revolt against The Revolt and lure runners over to Half Life, a record number of Pax showed up to run the East Loop Plus route of The Revolt!

Special acknowledgement of Bag Boy showing up to rounds of cheers, high fives & fist bumps – great to see you back in action Brother!

Great to have that stretching guy in a driveway on Concord impulsively join us, oh wait, that was Journey.  

Props to Shrooms, an FNG himself just a few weeks ago, brining an FNG out to this morning's run.  Props also to MASH, Hulka & Methane for doubling back after their finish to run in with the 6.  

Mentioned During COT:

  • Bethel Church BBQ & Silent Auction Fundraiser tomorrow, 26 September, from 11am – 7pm.
  • LD – Continued recovery as he is hopefully coming home from the hospital today.
  • Abba's mom's survery & Stout's Father-in-Law MRI/Bone Scan next week.
  • Tin Man & his hamstring 
  • QSource this Friday, 6:30am – 7am behind Summitt – Q3.9 Committment – YHC Q!