Fumblerooski at SVU

Event Date

Mar 02, 2019


6 men and 2 of MetroDog's 2.0's (Comet and Stealth) arrived to celebrate the AAF providing more football!

Puddle was right – the fumblerooski is a trick play in which the football is intentionally and stealthily placed on the ground (fumbled), which for the purpose of today meant 10 burpee each time that happened. 



  • 20IC SSH
  • 20IC Mt. Climbers
  • 10IC Imperial Squat Walkers (thanks Retread, my legs are still sore from Thursday)


Football Fun

?IR from the AO to the field at Crepe Ridge and Silver Jade with the lead person carrying a football (rugby ball) filled with 18lbs of sand and handing it off to the next person as they rotated from the back of the line to the front.

PAX member rolls the dice – SSH

PAX does SSH until each PAX member has carried the ball across the field and back. Fumblerooski, 10 burpee PAX penalty.

Continue IR to next destination, the SV Club house parking lot. In the left parking lot we roll the dice – Crunches. PAX does crunches (stationary bikes because crunches are too easy) while each PAX member runs the ball across the parking lot and back. Fumblerooski, 10 burpee PAX penalty.

IR around the waterfront sidewalk to the other side of the parking lot. PAX member rolls the dice – SSH while each PAX member runs the ball across the parking lot and back. Fumblerooski, 10 burpee PAX penalty. You guessed it, another Fumblerooski, 10 more burpee PAX penalty.

Mosey to the next section of the parking lot. Roll the dice – crunches (WWI just because) until each PAX member runs the ball across the parking lot to the 3rd tree and back. After each member chose a different distance and Strudel event went full length it was time to head back.

IR to the field at Crepe Ridge and Silver Jade. Roll the dice – YAY BURPEE until each PAX member has carried the ball across the field and back. 

IR to the front lawn near the SV entrance. Roll the dice – more SSH while each PAX member takes a turn carrying the ball across the filed and back.

IR back to the AO – Fumblerooski, 10 burpee PAX penalty


6 MoM (more like 3)

  • 12 IC Dr. W 
  • Circle up for Sit-up and pass the ball to the next PAX member until it went around the PAX circle. 



James 1:26 New International Version (NIV)

26 Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless.

A PAX member, who will not be called out, states "you could have at least called me out in private instead of here in front of everyone!" Truth be told this speaks to me and likely most of us.


It was a fun morning with too much talk to capture all of it. The accusation that the Fumblerooski's were on purpose was great, my 2.0's were involved in all of them.

I thought about stopping at Retreads to thank him for the sore legs.

Thoughts and prays for the marathoners! See you all back soon.


An honor to lead as always!
